The Standard for Disaster Management in Queensland (the standard) establishes the outcomes to be achieved for all entities involved in disaster management. It consists of Shared Responsibilities, Outcomes, Accountabilities, and Indicators.
A focus on outcomes
The standard focuses on outcomes rather than setting a ‘minimum’ standard that must be met. It moves away from a traditional compliance tool and towards enhancing performance and achieving shared system-wide goals set by the sector. To focus on outcomes, the standard provides the parameters within which disaster management should be conducted across Queensland, without being prescriptive about how it should be done. This allows for flexibly across a range of different entities according to their capability, capacity, and needs.
Who is it for?
The standard is to be used by all entities in Queensland with a responsibility to contribute to disaster management. This includes those with legislated roles, as well as entities acting on behalf of or under an arrangement with those that do.
This Standard commenced on 1 July 2021
A suite of supporting resources has been developed to assist the disaster management sector in using and applying the Standard.
The Standard for Disaster Management in Queensland (PDF 0.7MB)
Previous version of the Standard: 2014-June 2021
The earlier version of the Standard, covering the period from 2014 to June 2021, was included in the Emergency Management Assurance Framework up until 30 June 2021. The Standard has since been separated into an independent document. The former version of the Standard is located on page 14 of the previous Emergency Management Assurance Framework. (PDF, 1.42MB)