Annual Report 2021-2022

 Annual Report 2021-22 Cover Image

Complete Document 

Full Report (PDF)

Document Sections

  1. Letter of Compliance
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Inspector-General’s Message
  4. Our Organisation
  5. Our Non-Financial Performance
  6. Our Financial Performance
  7. Governance - Management and Structure
  8. Governance - Risk Management and Accountability
  9. Governance - Human Resources
  10. Financial Statements
  11. Glossary
  12. Compliance Checklist


For enquiries or further information about the annual report, please contact the Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management on telephone no. (07) 3029 8813 or email

The materials presented in this site are provided by the Queensland Government for information purposes only. Users should note that the electronic versions of the annual report and financial statements on this site are not recognised as the official or authorized versions. The electronic versions are provided solely on the basis that users will take responsibility for verifying their accuracy, completeness and currency. Although considerable resources are used to prepare and maintain the electronic versions, the Queensland Government accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may be incurred by any person acting in reliance on the electronic versions. The official copy of the annual report, as tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland can be accessed from the Queensland Parliament's tabled papers website database, Online Tabled Papers | Queensland Parliament

Last Updated: 04 October 2022