Queensland Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Framework

Joint Winner - Group Nomination

The Queensland Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors (DCDSS) collaborated with the following partners to co-develop this framework and tooklit:

  • University of Sydney - Centre for Disability Research and Policy (UniSyd),
  • The Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), and
  • The Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA).

The project was informed by inclusive stakeholder sessions held in Townsville, Rockhampton, Brisbane and Ipswich in 2019 with community members from the disability, community, health, emergency management and government sectors.

The outcome of this collaboration was the development of a DIDRR framework and toolkit and companion Resource Library which provides a roadmap and resources for people with disability, community and disability support services and local disaster management to work together to co-design DIDRR innovations, implement and evaluate their impact on decreasing risk and increase the resilience of people with disability to disaster. 

DIDRR Framework

The success of this project was centred on direct inclusion of people with disabilities and their support networks.

The Office would like to acknowledge the outstanding work of the following individuals for their dedication to this project: Diana Young (DCDSS), Carrol Helander (DCDSS), Associate Professor Michelle Villeneuve (UniSyd), Ivy Yen (UniSyd), Michelle Moss (QDN), Louise Abson (QDN), Matthew Gillett (CSIA) and Melissa Dower (CSIA).

The relevance of this project and its value to the sector is reflected in current work to review the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience Community Engagement Handbook, a key piece of doctrine under the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience.

The UN Agency for Disaster Risk Reduction @UNDRR has shared the Queensland DIDRR Framework and Toolkit, indexing this resource on PreventionWeb and making it available worldwide. https://www.preventionweb.net/publications/view/69370

To access the range of project resource, please follow the links below:


Last Updated: 06 March 2020