Our finances

​​​​Our Finances section provides information on our current financial and non-financial performance, including our annual report, budget highlights, Service Delivery Statement and details of current tenders.

Budget highlights

An overview of the funding allocation for the Office of the IGEM each financial year is available in the Annual Reports and Service Delivery Statement​ for the Office of the IGEM.


Details of current tenders

The most recent information about Queensland Government tendering opportunities for the Office of the IGEM can be found on the Queensland QTenders website.


Service Delivery Statement

Our Service Delivery Statement provides a detailed summary of the Office of the IGEM's financial and non-financial information for the budget year, including achievements, highlights, outputs, staffing, administered items and income statements.

Service Delivery Statement


Annual report

The annual report highlights the Office of the IGEM activities and achievements for current and previous years, including our performance report, corporate governance, organisational structure, financial summary and financial statements.

Annual reports

Last Updated: 26 July 2024