Assurance framework

The Emergency Management Assurance Framework (EMAF) provides the basis for delivering the functions of the Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM) as set out in section 16C of the Disaster Management Act 2003 (the Act)

The objectives of the EMAF are to:  

  • direct, guide and focus the work of the Office of the IGEM to ensure all entities working in Queensland’s disaster management arrangements strive to achieve positive outcomes for the community  
  • support continuous improvement in disaster management
  • provide transparency in relation to how IGEM delivers its functions.  

Who it applies to:

The EMAF applies to the Office of the IGEM in delivering its functions to provide independent assurance and advice to enhance Queensland’s disaster management arrangements.

Emergency Management Assurance Framework

 Emergency Management Assurance Framework (PDF, 0.7MB)

Last Updated: 09 August 2024