Community engagement
The community is central to disaster management. Community engagement entails actively involving the community in managing their risk. It involves collaboratively planning how the community’s collective efforts will contribute to their safety. Community engagement builds local capability, capacity and community self-reliance. This allows entities to focus their efforts where they are needed most.
Outcome 5: Entities proactively and openly engage with communities
Click on the links below to view the resources online.
Prompt Sheet: Accountabilities of Outcome 5
Prompt Sheet: Indicators of Outcome 5
Info Sheet: Accountabilities of Outcome 5
Info Sheet: Indicators of Outcome 5
Download all resources for Outcome 5
Test your knowledge quiz: Outcome 5
Outcome 6: The community makes informed choices about disaster management, and acts on them
Click on the links below to view the resources online.
Prompt Sheet: Accountabilities of Outcome 6
Prompt Sheet: Indicators of Outcome 6
Info Sheet: Accountabilities of Outcome 6
Info Sheet: Indicators of Outcome 6